For the Love of Mother

Michael Scott Curnes lifts the cloak on domestic terrorism to offer a perverted glimpse at the extremes to which both environmental activists and the government-of-the-day will go in their eco-tug of war for The Love of Mother.

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About the Book

Under a cloak of what cynics refer to as the sweeping stupidity that followed September 11, 2001—while senators and representatives were working out harmonies for their newest rendition of God Bless America—a pair of Executive Orders slipped out of the White House establishing the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security; the first expanding the definition of terrorism to include domestic acts against citizens and government interests and the second creating a bureaucratic juggernaut of twenty-two agencies with over 200,000 employees.

Just as staggering, in the Pacific Northwest, more than 250 concrete dams regulate a watershed the size of France, choking the life out of tributaries that barely feed the 1,243-mile long Columbia River. The fourteen hydroelectric dams on The Columbia’s main stem have contorted America’s fourth largest river into a system of sluggish, slack water reservoirs that harnesses nearly a third of all the hydropower potential in the U.S. but at the biological expense of a now-decimated, millennia-old salmon run.

Against this concrete river-stopping backdrop, a pair of monkey-wrenchers—known only as Hooknose and Hazard—polka-dot the Pacific Northwest with hits of eco-sabotage intending to stop the industrial annihilation of the planet in its bulldozer tracks. These elusive characters, unknowingly manipulated by a master puppeteer, are heading for a stumble that will make 9/11 look like it was little more than a crack in the firmament; that is if they can navigate themselves out of the way of a cresting tidal wave of red tape.


Green Book

International Book

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